React Native is skyrocketing in popularity and so is the number of choices available when it comes to functional react native app templates. Beautiful app designs are harder to find in react native since the ecosystem is only at the beginning. Even though react native development is only in early stages, we were able to find some beautiful free react native app templates, and we thought our readers would love to check them out. At Instamobile, we are creating beautiful mobile app templates, in React Native, Kotlin and Swift, to empower app developers and entrepreneurs to make their own native mobile apps quickly and at a fraction of the cost. Check out some of our work, such as this amazing Restaurant App Template in React Native.
1. React Native Elements
React Native Elements is by far the most popular free react native UI Kit. It contains a great number of cross-platform UI components written in React Native. It has an extremely active community, and with more than 13000 Github stars, it’s become a household name in the React Native development realm. Cards, pricing, forms, search bars, social icons, you name it. It’s all there. Beautiful and elegant react native app templates. Give it a try. You should also check out the gorgeous mobile apps that were built using this free react native app template.
2. React Native Starter Kit
Crafted by Instamobile, this beautiful React Native Template is a fully functional mobile app, that encapsulates the user onboarding flow. It’s the perfect project to start a new React Native app from, given it offers developers a lot of boilerplate code, already written for them. The React Native Boilerplate project comes with Firebase Auth & Firestore integration, Facebook Login, Push Notifications, just to name a few. It’s made out of highly modularized code, backing up an extremely elegant theme. Instamobile offers a lot more free React Native templates, so check them out. If you’re looking for more advanced types of apps, already built for you in React Native, so that you can learn how to make mobile apps or simply just want to build your mobile app much faster, check out Instamobile’s premium React Native templates as well.
3. Kitten Tricks
Kitten Tricks is a react native mobile starter kit, containing over 40 beautiful screens, ready to be used in any react native app. The Github repository has more than 4000 stars, which shows how much react native developers appreciate the beauty of this app template. If you want to play with it before deciding to give it a try, you can download the demo apps from App Store and Google Play. The library contains various screens, that are frequent use cases for app developers: walkthrough flows, dashboards, profile screen, settings screen, chat design, credit cards, different navigation types, etc.
4. Native Base Kitchen Sink
The native base kitchen sink represents one of the best react native starter packs. It’s a great way to ramp up and get familiar with NativeBase, which is a powerful open-source react native framework consisting of cross-platform mobile UI components. You get your app up and running in only a few minutes and you get the skeleton of an app for free (such as the navigation drawer component, the navigational system, a ton of built-in UI components, etc). If you’re only looking to learn react native development, this app template is the perfect place to start from.
5. React Native Finance App
This Github repo with more than 1600 stars, provides react native developers with a fully implemented clone of Apple’s Stocks app. It’s working end-to-end, being hooked to stock price information from Yahoo Finance. While you most likely won’t be able to publish it on the App Store (given it’s a clone of an Apple product), the codebase is extremely useful to someone who’s just learning react native development. You’ll learn a great deal of react native UI layouts, as well as API/networking calls in, react native.
6. Nachos UI Kit
Nachos UI is also an open source react native framework, that exposes many beautiful UI controls, such as buttons, carousels, badges, avatars, sliders, spinners, etc. They are extremely easy to use and they also look amazing. Definitely worth checking out before you embark on your react native app development journey. Additionally, the authors provided an extremely detailed documentation, for how to use each UI component, so getting your hands dirty with the project and creating something concrete won’t take long. It also features more than 30 gorgeous app screen designs, ready to be used in any cross-platform mobile app. An extra benefit is that the library works on Web too, so you end up with a consistently designed user interface across all the platforms.