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Next time you start working on a new mobile app, consider using a fully-coded react native starter kit, to speed up your development. At Instamobile, we build react native templates, to help mobile developers and small business owners launch their apps faster. We’ve compiled a list of beautiful React Native templates, that allows entrepreneurs to focus on their product, rather than on reinventing the wheel, by rewriting the boilerplate code every app has (like user authentication & sign up, Facebook login, Firebase integration, etc.).

1. Universal Listings App in React Native

This react native template contains the first 10.000 lines of code every app incorporates. With incredibly powerful features and a good looking design, this starter kit will save you at least a few weeks of design and development as well as a couple of thousand dollars. It’s extremely generic, and it can be applied to a large variety of apps. react native templates ui starter kits Among its beautiful features, it has all the user management functionalities (login, registration, Firebase Auth, Facebook Login, log out) every app needs, it supports map views & list views for generic items, search & filtering, reviews & ratings, and many more. The best part: it’s entirely dynamic so all the data is being stored and retrieved from Firebase. This means that you could literally launch your app in just a few minutes, assuming you can add your categories & listings in our own Firebase account. This fully coded react native UI Kit can be used to launch apps such as: real estate apps, Yelp clones, car dealership apps, getaround clone apps, craigslist clone apps, classifieds app, travel apps, etc.

2. Restaurant App Template with Food Delivery

Save yourself a ton of energy & money, and use this beautiful restaurant app template written in React Native next time you work on a food delivery app. Inspired by Uber Eats, this starter kit is the best and most efficient way to jumpstart the development of your food delivery app. With awesome product features, such as shopping cart, food ordering, restaurant reservations, and customer management, etc, the react native source code will be one of the best you’ll ever see – clean, modularized and highly customizable. react native starter kits firebase All you need to do to have a production ready app is to add your food categories and items in your own Firebase database (which is free), and you’re good to publish to App Store and Google Play. You don’t believe me? Check out the Google Play demo. This react native template can be used for a wide variety of applications, such as pizza restaurants, coffee shops, Boba Tea apps, etc. You get the idea.

3. E-commerce App in React Native

Mobile is the present and most of the e-commerce stores are opening up their own native mobile apps. Native e-commerce apps can provide users with a better experience, and therefore generate more sales (especially recurring sales). This means that there is a growing market for these shopping apps. react native ecommerce templates If you’re looking to create an e-commerce app in React Native, this app template is a great fit. Beautifully designed, it provides great UI elements, targeted at boosting sales. With UI components such as product grid views, product carousels, stories unit, and search, you can save up a few weeks of design and development by building on top of this react native template.

Bottom Line

By leveraging these react native templates, one can speed up their development process. This will result in launching a mobile app faster and making more profit down the road. There are plenty of react native templates offerings out there, and we, at Instamobile, are striving to keep the lead on building high-quality apps, in terms of both design and code. In addition to an amazing source code, you also get a comprehensive documentation, on how to get everything up and running in no time.

Categories: React Native

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