Download this stunning React Native Shopping App Template, to head start the development of your shopping app. Save thousands of hours and dollars by purchasing an existing fully-functional React Native app, optimized for both Android and iOS.
Check out our NEW React Native E-commerce App Template 🔥🔥🔥
If you’re looking for a an app with a more modern design, and way more features, download our NEW e-commerce app template 🔥🔥🔥
Shopping App Template
Features – Shopping App Template
- Fully-working Apple Pay and Android Pay functionalities
- Shipping Address and Shipping Options support
- Payment Integrations with Visa, Amex and MasterCard.
- Home feed, with flexible layout
- Single Product Screen, with multiple images slideshow
- Fully-working Shopping Cart, with “Add to Cart” buttons
- Categories Page, to highlight all product catalogs
- Check out Screen, generated dynamically from the Shopping Cart
- Flexible Carousel View, modularized so that it can be used anywhere you want
- Stories View module, extensible and modularized
- Grid View module, to showcase product collections anywhere in the app
- Search functionality
- Sidebar/Drawer Navigation
- Onboarding Screens, for Customer Log In and Registration
- Highly customizable – The app template’s theme is modularized, to easily change text, colors, fonts, spacing, etc.
- Beautifully animated transitions between screens
- Fast, reliable and super clean code
Check out our e-commerce app on Google Play. Play with it and let us know what you think.
Do not reinvent the wheel! Stay ahead of the competition by using our amazingly designed react native e-commerce mobile app. Make your own mobile app today to maximize sales for you or your customers!
This React Native Shopping App Template is targeted towards shop owners who want to create a new storefront for their physical or digital store, to extend their business and maximize sales.
This template can also be used by mobile app developers, to jump-start their shopping app development and bypass the designing work altogether. If you’re learning React Native, using this template can boost your knowledge by increasing the learning rate dramatically.